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What can Epigenetics DO FOR YOU? The quest for health is noble. With intelligence, optimism, and determination, you too can work wonders for yourself or for your clients if you are a practitioner. With scientists technically explaining proof of Epigenetics; the over-control of how environment experience changes the way cells implement gene pattern, what is missing is the way to use this breakthrough science proactively in overcoming any illness.
This book will show you the way!

USING EPIGENETICS TO CREATE HEALTH will teach you in simple terms what you can personally do to take charge of your health, and healing from any disorder, to make your genes respond with dynamic healing often referred to by medicine as unexplainable spontaneous remission. Whether you have believed in your genetic predisposition for disease or you are suffering with any other symptoms or pain, Health Problems can be disinherited! And its you who makes the difference between endless suffering and enjoying your best health.

REVIEW - "I began to read your manuscript from the beginning but before too long I became so excited I had to scan through the whole book to see what was to come, before returning to read on. This is such a powerful breakthrough book that brings such complexity into simple usable terms for all human beings to really understand the process of Epigenetics in healthcare. This is a must read for anyone, but especially for all those who constantly ask, 'Is there a book to read and learn about what you are saying?' This is a true groundbreaking informative book about health and well being... that will bring power back to individuals. It IS EXCITING! I can't think of anything else and/or any other discovery that would be more exciting! Your book serves humanity as AN UNDENIABLE ASSET and TOOL to empower all people in the quest to optimum health. and well-being."
Rose Saroyan Ph.D BET - LifeCare Professional

REVIEW - "This is a compelling body of knowledge for average people to really use in transforming their life. Richard Leach brings function to the latest cellular biology research, that proves body cells adapt to conscious thought. This is a hands-on functional approach simplified for all people. Using Epigenetics builds profound and useful health and healing method under the new breakthrough science of Epigenetics so this extended work on using the Meaning of Health may very well become the cornerstone of 23rd century medicine."
David March - Medical Frontiers

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Spiritual Wickedness
in High Places
From the beginning of time there have always been dark forces thriving among us. Ancient ancestors perceived them as evil entities, developing deep fear shrouded in larger than life stories of demonic possession by omnipotent mystical demons and devils with super power over mere mortals. This is not true, but these invaders are still among us. And are far more common as causes of depression, anxiety, rage, and fear in us, than we want to admit.

SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES is a nonfiction account of what these things are, why they are here with us, how we are made vulnerable to them, and what power we have to face them in combat of willpower and win. There are real experiences of people who have faced these challenges and won back full control of their life. This is a handbook of knowledge everyone needs to know to stay clear of dark entity attacks, and a grounded understanding of how to fight them off and why we should not allow fear to creep into our battle, if challenged to defend ourselves.
REVIEW - "This is incredibly interesting and relatable. I read this with deep recognition to the plight of some clients I see. Until now, as a hypnotherapist who sees auras, I believed I was seeing a kind of blister intruding in the energy field. I intuitively know its unnatural and needs to be released for the human spirit to be free to pursue its purpose, as it is covered here. I look forward to Richard's future writings as there is great depth that makes me want to look further into my own psyche."
Dennis Andersen - Quantum Path Radio

REVIEW - "I have read your book, not once, but a number of times. And, I am intrigued by it. It's a fascinating read and has many layers to it. I do give you credit for coming out about the "dark side" you experienced and how you handled it. Most people would not go public with that experience. However, by opening yourself up about what you went through will give service to those who are experiencing it, and are too embarrassed and ashamed to speak about it to anyone. The phrase "The truth will set you free" definitely applies here."
Stan Mallow - The Paranormal Show

Coming Soon!
The Awakening Journey
This is an exciting look in the metaphysical mirror for mankind, exposing knowledge that will empower your future. It is a book of deep insight that will benefit every human, regardless of age, sex, or religious background. As a fast paced and concise look at important hidden knowledge of human life in this dimension, (past, present, and future), it will marvel many and add missing wisdom for others. This work draws various unrelated scientific, medical and spiritual research together to build upon and complete the bigger picture of our more than physical puzzle of life.

THE AWAKENING JOURNEY is a treasure chest of personal insight for everyone who desires peace and comfort in their lives as the third millennium unfolds before us. You will begin to see untapped natural abilities in a very different, more empowered way. In an overview of the positive polarity of true self this work uncovers the path to higher enlightenment that is your birthright. With deeper insight into mankind's past and present condition there is knowledge that is the power to take control of difficult challenges in your future. And most importantly this is the path to peace through the unsettling events to come. Understanding is empowerment, take it and find your peace!

REVIEW - "I believe your book is important, since it reflects the inner thoughts of your process of enlightenment. Many will read them and relate to what you have been through."
Lee Carroll - The Kryon Writings

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